Understanding Acupuncture Vancouver – Acupuncture provides safe and effective acupuncture treatment for a wide range of conditions including pain, nausea, addiction, headaches, arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome and more. If you have been curious about trying acupuncture for the first time, it’s reasonable to expect you have some questions and want to learn more about acupuncture. What does it feel like? How does it affect your body? And is acupuncture right for you?
Acupuncture is a centuries (possibly millenniums) old health practice, but as with any medical intervention it is important to have a clear understanding of what to expect from acupuncture before you receive treatment. So, let’s treat this blog as an Acupuncture 101 to give you a brief overview of what acupuncture is all about so that you can be better informed in making the right decision for you.
So then, you probably want to know how acupuncture will feel. Practitioners at Acupuncture Vancouver are highly trained and rely on established treatment methods that utilize very thin needles inserted into various areas on your body. Most of our clients describe the feeling of acupuncture as virtually painless. There may be a mild or dull-aching or tingling sensation when the needles are fully inserted, or you may feel nothing at all. Still, the sensation of acupuncture needles being inserted is nothing to fear and actually may signify that the treatment is working as intended. In fact, the sensation felt during acupuncture treatment is often described by practitioners as the “chee sensation” and the experience is likely to vary depending on a person’s sensitivities and pain tolerance.
To make a long story short, everybody experience of acupuncture will be different, but it should not be especially painful. While sensations indicate the treatment may be working, lack of sensing the needles does not mean the treatment is not working. Additionally, different sized needles are likely to result in different sensations, and even the depth of insertion will impact what people feel. Larger needles or needles inserted more deeply may be felt more.

When it comes to how acupuncture affects your body, there are many factors to consider. First, it is believed that acupuncture stimulates the central nervous system resulting in biochemical changes that affect the muscles, spinal cord, and brain ultimately stimulating healing for improved physical and emotional health. Also, it is important to take it easy after acupuncture treatments. The treatments themselves usually last around 60 to 90 minutes with various needles inserted for around 10 to 30 minutes. After acupuncture, you may feel very relaxed, even drowsy. Even if you have a lot of energy post-treatment, you should take it easy. Avoid strenuous exercise and activities and eat healthy, whole foods. Avoid alcohol and caffeine and drink plenty of water. You should not expect to feel pain after your treatment, so be sure to discuss any concerns with your acupuncturist.
If you want to learn more about acupuncture or how it may be beneficial for you, contact Acupuncture Vancouver and we’ll be happy to discuss how we can help you on your healing journey.